dutifully went back to the NHS Walk-In Centre for check-up....nurse changed my dressing......the wounds looked pretty gruesome to me but she said they were "looking good". was not about to doubt the medical expert in the consultation room.....besides, was quite relieved to hear something positive...
so....as per instruction......to keep wounds dry.......no showers till sunday.....will have to change dressings on my own........again, big thanks to the british medical system and taxpayers! received some free swabs, dressings and sterile topical irrigation solution packs.....yaaaaarhhh.....
on a worrying note....
itchy red spots...some even look like boils....have appeared all over my body.......my abdomen....forearms.......face.......thighs....back of knees...........................
and what did the nurse have to say about this occurrence?
i forgot to ask....eeeeheeh.....oh well....
couple of them behind my left knee....
and on my right forearm.....
and ears, they are itching....itching....itching....itching..........my body is not happy.....will have to go to a chinese doctor once i get to Toronto to visit my brother........not loving the antibiotics im taking.....the flucloxacillin........but no, im not saying that the pills are causing my skin to erupt like never before seen...........cos really, i had these spots on me once i got to england and before i started taking the heavy meds..........
friend whose place im staying at....wonders if im allergic to the air here in london...aahahaha......
pictures taken with Ricoh Caplio R4